They flew me out for my solo scene shortly after. I sent in some pictures, and they were interested. Jack: I was homeless in California and I responded to an ad on Craigslist. Str8UpGayPorn: Hello, Jack! Going back to your very first scene, how did Sean Cody find you? Did you apply to the studio, or did they recruit you somehow? Here is Str8Up’s exclusive Q&A with Sean Cody’s Jack, which has been lightly edited for clarity and length. As one of Sean Cody’s biggest (literally and figuratively) stars, it was great getting to know a little bit more about the iconic Jack, and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for fans this year and beyond. As first reported here last week, Sean Cody’s Jack is now using social media to interact with his fans, and in this exclusive interview today, the versatile and wildly popular muscle hunk is revealing for the first time how he became a gay porn star, behind the scenes details on some of his best videos, what it was like being a Chippendales dancer, and more.